Author: sena

It’s a familiar sight for many of us – clumps of hair in the shower drain after shamp...
One of the main things people worry about when they are thinking about getting a hair transplant ...
After getting a hair transplant most patients ask about the supplements they need to take in afte...
People who are losing their hair can get a hair graft to keep their hair. Hair follicles are take...
Hair transplant surgery is a common and effective way to get hair back in places on the scalp whe...
Losing your hair can have a big effect on how you feel about yourself and how confident you are. ...
Hair transplantation can be a life-changing experience for those suffering from hair loss. Howeve...
The process of hair growth is complicated and has many steps. If you know about these steps, you ...
Pregnancy is a miraculous journey loaded with numerous physical and emotional changes. While most...
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from a donor...

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